Renovated and restructured narrow apartment in a historic neighborhood from Barcelona

Located in an old building from the celebrated neighborhood of Poble Nou in Barcelona, this narrow apartment practically begged for a renovation. The extremely narrow floor plan was definitely an inconvenience for both the clients and the architects that had to bear the projection. The loft had a surface of 100 foursquare meters.

Ylab arquitectos loft View in gallery

The project was developed by YLAB arquitectos and the main concern was introducing more natural lite into the apartment. Given its deep and narrow plan, managing to create an airy, spacious and vivid look was a challenge.

Ylab arquitectos loft1 View in gallery
Ylab arquitectos loft2 View in gallery
Ylab arquitectos loft3 View in gallery

In order to respond to this major request, the architects needed to remove a few partitions. The main living spaces are organized effectually a bathroom. The architects had to eliminate the unnecessary partitions, the goal existence the creation of a new internal distribution that would only contain a bedroom suite, a invitee bathroom, a 2nd bedroom, a studio, a kitchen, a dining room and a living surface area.

Ylab arquitectos loft4 View in gallery
Ylab arquitectos loft5 View in gallery
Ylab arquitectos loft6 View in gallery

Some of the walls had to exist eliminated. This way the amount of natural lite getting inside the apartment drastically increased. Moreover, a new internal structure was created. A flexible and more than unconventional distribution of the rooms was created. This mode the spaces tin can easily modify their function, depending on the occasion.

Ylab arquitectos loft7 View in gallery
Ylab arquitectos loft8 View in gallery

A large common area was created that goes from one side of the apartment to the other. It includes the archway hall, the dining room, the library, the studio, the living room and the kitchen. The bedroom suite is at present a semi-closed box.{pictures from site}.


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